A family shares about the affects of alcoholism and 12 Step Recovery Programs have had - before and after.
Polly C - Alateen shares first on how she could not make friends because they would invite her to their homes and expect to be invited to hers but she never knew what might happen at her home to embarrass her.
Lenny C - Al-Anon, she went to her first Al-Anon meeting only four years before. She was very sick before she ever met Tim. Her family argued a great deal because dad was a gambler and probably an alcoholic. She prayed to be normal and have a normal family.
Tim C - AA, sober over 4 years, he met Lenny in Bloomington 20 years before, so this is a home coming of sorts. His dad was also a compulsive gambler, like Lenny's, even losing the house once as a result. He suspects he was also alcoholic though he was able in 1953 to quit on his own for some time.
This recording quality is excellent.