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(#1148) Linda B and Barbara A (St. Paul, MN, Lithia Springs, GA)
12/3/2010 in Pine Mountain, GA  EVENT: 2nd Woodstock of the South  TYPE: Al-Anon, Female, Workshop

The Gift of Hope

Barbara starts by reading her "12 Steps Before Al-anon".

Linda B has been in the program 43 years since 1967. She shares on what she did when "I found myself getting stale". Her sponsor suggested they do a step a year. The first year she got to April and quit. The next year she made it through.

Barbara shares her new acronym for HOPE - Honest, Open, Prayerful and through those things we become Enthusiastic for the program. Then she shares how she got the message of Hope hearing Lois Wilson speak at the 1st Al-anon International.

(48 min) (16.7 MB) (id#1148)






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