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(#98) Burns B. (Louisville, KY)
12/6/1997 in Omaha, NE  EVENT: Omaha Area Christmas Party  TYPE: AA, Male, Story

Sober 20 years since 12/1/1977, Burns is a funny speaker. Medical doctor. Talks at many round-ups.

AA is a wonderful program composed of some of the sickest and wonderful people on earth.

Bill W. said, "AA is the common property of all mankind."

Speaks to the ones still suffering regardless of time in the program.

Put one of his early role models in the hospital last week - she was secretly drinking. Don't graduate but do get deluded. Trip over pebbles more than boulders.

Came in during the best of times and worst of times of AA in Louisville. Fellowship was in lock step 24 hours a day but recovery was not based on the Big Book. Lived 10 years on three and a half steps - 1,2,3 and half of 12.

Found roommate hanging in the closet and wondered, "Who am I going to play ping-pong with?"

Stopped drinking for 8 years using pills. Then drank a quart every night but none during the day.

When we come in we do not need to define God or figure out the Will of God. Lucky in first 2 years if we remember where we parked our car .

Its called post acute recovery syndrome. Only non-habit forming drug is the one that came out today.

When he came in he was finished.

Remember - God Is Love.

(1 hr 17 min) (35.4 MB) (id#98)





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