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(#2201) Brit S (Florence, SC)
9/24-27/2009 in Myrtle Beach, SC  EVENT: 38th Fellowship by the Sea  TYPE: AA, Female, Story

Sober 20 years since 3/31/1989, 40 years old, originally from Fairbanks Alaska, she realized the morning of this talk, walking on the beach, that we are like shells on the beach, each unique.

She grew up with her father. Both parents drank. There was always liquor around and Brit learned to steal sips early.

Her dad remarried when Brit was 7 to a very nice lady with a loving family.

Her dad allowed her to drink in moderation from 9 years old.

She strove to please her dad through sports until at age 13 when she started driving, chasing boys and getting drunk.

Three times her father fired a gun at her in anger over her behavior.

At age 17 she joined the Air Force and married the man her father hated.

They had a son and were transferred to Germany and life got crazy.

She was a member of the European Rodeo Association as a bareback rider where she met male members of AA.

On 3/31/1989 she drank a fifth, went out and at 6 am the next morning hit a cobblestone wall.

Her AA friends showed up and convinced the German police to let them handle it.

They took her to an English speaking Round-up. She was not happy about it. They carried her in like a sack of potatoes.

By the third meeting she knew she was home.

She stayed active through failed marriages, friends dying, broken back and cancer (in remission since 2007).

(1 hr 1 min) (10.5 MB) (id#2201)






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