Rich in content. Came in as a young person in AA in November of 1999 at 19 year old and has never had a drink since. Relates an ironic story of how Da Vinci found the models for the painting "Last Supper". There is a bit of good in the worst of it and a bit of bad in the best of us. He is a product of the "educational variety". The newcomer cannot always see the profound changes in their lives. Lots of opportunity for education living in Europe when his dad got a job there. Got into soccer there and was the youngest player on the team when they moved back to the USA. Just drank gin. Beer is a waste of time though his first drink was a beer in Germany. Started getting drunk every night. Started attending college in Denver in September of 1998 and came into the rooms in November of 1999 fully qualified. It can happen that fast. Could not related at first to anything but "don't drink tonight and come back tomorrow." They became his higher power. Speaks at length about getting sober in the program.
(49 min) (11.4 MB) (id#139)