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(#361) Billy S (Las Vegas, NV)
May 1999 in Laughlin, NV  EVENT: Tri-State Roundup  TYPE: AA, Male, Story

Billy believes that "If I take care of myself God will take care of the rest". Alcohol did something "for" him not necessarily to "him". With just an 8th grade education he is articulate in easy to understand manner. Once he took a drink one thing always happened...he took another. He joined the Navy to see the world and got drunk. He drank cheap. Arrested 11 times in the Navy. One of the last things he did in the Navy was miss the boat when it left Japan. Once I take a drink all bets are off. He skips around in an interesting way.

(1 hr 2 min) (21.5 MB) (id#361)





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