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(#152) Beverly B (Lewisville, TX)
Nov. 1996 in Ft. Walton Beach, FL  EVENT: Gulf Coast Roundup #27  TYPE: Al-Anon, Female, Story

She is a thousand miles from home but the smiles and the love is the same. Married 35 years and her husband was with her at the conference. Born in Chicago, IL to a poor family where her dad was alcoholic and her mother struggled with his disease. Many other family members died or are dying of the disease. Developed a characteristic reaction to alcoholism long before she met her husband. Beverly became the kind of wife and mother she hoped she never would. Tried to make her sister look small so that she would look better. Her grandmother was the good role model in her life. Was attracted to her husband because his life was exciting like a soap opera. Her dad liked him but not her mom. She had many warnings but ignored them all. But he did something for her self-esteem. Later, the outsides looked like they were doing well but alcohol was rampant. Her husband came into AA in 1980, is still sober, and shortly after she realized her son was alcoholic. Then she looked for an answer to what was going on in her house. Her oldest son got and stayed sober in 1981. Then her younger son moved out and the all dealt with his disease for several years.

(1 hr 2 min) (14.3 MB) (id#152)





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