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(#4352) Bev A (Omaha, NE)
10/22/2022 in Dublin, GA  EVENT: 69th Georgia State Convention  TYPE: Al-Anon, Female, Story

Bev first came into Alateen in the early 1980's.

Raised in a small town in Nebraska, her father was a periodic drunk and AA member. He was great when he was sober,

In the few times she drank in her life, she felt out of control. She is definitely not an alcoholic.

Her mother started going to Al-Anon when Deb was in her teens. Her mother taught the family not to hate the alcoholic.

The stability she had in her childhood was a direct result of Al-Anon and a strong mom.

(59 min) (10.2 MB) (id#4352)






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