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(#4646) Beth G (Brecksville, OH)
1/28/2006 in Hilton Head, SC  EVENT: 25th Mid-Winter Conference  TYPE: AA, Female, Story

Sober 33 years since 3/5/1972, one of Beth's talks was part of the early WeJoy collection.

I used to burn CDs and give them away at my home group north of Atlanta, GA.

One day I approached a lady, Pat, I had not seen at the meeting before.

I handed her a CD of Beth G.

She looked at the CD and said,

"Brecksville, OH - that's my hometown.
Beth G - that's my sponsor."

I later found out that Pat's husband was waiting in the car for her because there were bikers in the parking lot.

Pat was a member of that group for a number of years and introduced me to Beth when she spoke at the Marietta Roundup.

(1 hr 4 min) (7.4 MB) (id#4646)






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