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(#1731) Barbara G (Brighton, MI)
5/20-22/1988 in Bellaire, MI  EVENT: 16th Annual Michigan Al-Anon/Alateen Conference  TYPE: Al-Anon, Female, Story

Her most powerful affirmation, "My Higher Power can do for me what I cannot do for myself."

"The effects of my alcoholism have shown up in this way:

I am a recovering co-dependent,

I am a recovering adult child,

I am a recovering compulsive overeater,

I am a recovering person who is addicted to relationships, and

I am also in a very special group that I am going to talk briefly about which is S-Anon and that is for people who have been in relationships or are in relationships with sexual addicts."

She got her husband started in two businesses, both failed to survive or to fix him.

(1 hr 17 min) (17.6 MB) (id#1731)





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