Sober since 3/27/1984 , she has learned that we have the ability to make choices in sobriety. She came into the program as a large, black blob - a sort of force field around her - a dark depression dressed in black. She was married to lots of different people.
One of her old ideas was her parents did not love her or care much about her. She has learned in recovery how wrong she was. She was the oldest of six kids her mom had in five years. Her mom admitted she had to set her aside when the second child was born. Barbara is recovering from a need for approval.
She was raised in Massachusetts. Her dad was transferred to Cincinnati when she was 12. School was her life - her way of getting approval. She was told by the nuns that she should consider being a nun because ugly girls found it hard to get married. That has not been Barbara's experience being on husband number three. She worked on what the outside looked like but it did not help what was wrong inside. Alcohol helped her on the inside.
(56 min) (19.2 MB) (id#676)