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(#1527) Artist G (Tulsa, OK)
8/13/1994 in Washington, DC  EVENT: 15th Annual Capitol Roundup  TYPE: AA, Female, Story

Sober 11 years, Artist is a lively, funny, native American, lesbian and solid member of AA. She was raised with 7 brothers, a mom who owned a bar and a dad who was a customer.

A member of Al-Anon as well for 9 years since January 1985, she says she needs both programs.

She has kept track of the ones she has known to come into AA and has determined that 1 out of 25 find AA and 1 out of 18 of those make it. That comes down to less than 1% of alcoholics.

NOTE: Others estimate this to be around 3%. Regardless, the chances are not great...but...Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path.

(57 min) (13.1 MB) (id#1527)





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