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(#1576) Angela C (Fayetteville, NC)
1/4-6/2008 in Asheville, NC  EVENT: Spiritually High in the Land of the Sky XXIII  TYPE: NA, Female, Story


Clean 13 years since 7/22/1994, Angela is not confused about who and what she is - a flawed individual who has hurt alot of people along the way in her journey.

The only daughter of three kids from parents of very humble beginnings, they wanted to give their children a better life.

Born in Georgia, her father was in the military and settled them near Fort Bragg North Carolina.

She was taught principles early in life.

That concept she heard when she came into NA about living life based on principles was not new to her.

(1 hr 5 min) (22.5 MB) (id#1576)





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