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(#603) Adrienne B (New York, NY)
10/17/2014 in Jekyll Island, GA  EVENT: 61st Georgia Pre-Paid  TYPE: AA, Female, Story

Sober since 10/29/1984, Adrienne retired from the General Service Office (GSO) in New York on 11/15/2013. Once a staff member always a staff member. Raised in Harlem, she always thought she needed to have the answers even if she had to make them up. She did not drink early on because she saw what it did to people. Her dad got drunk, her mom hit him in the head with a frying pan and kicked him out. He later was murdered. Her mother and grandmother died when she was 15 and 16. Her Uncle became her "dad" and her aunt became her "mom". Her grandmother had spoiled her but she was now expected to be responsible and do chores. All these events and others turned her against God. She went to college and did all the things she said she would never do.

This is a strong story from a trusted servant.

(58 min) (13.3 MB) (id#603)






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