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AAI70-AFG-Twelve Steps Come Alive
Total time across all 2 files is 2 hours.
Recording 1 of 2

AAI70-AFG-Twelve Steps Come Alive

An Al-Anon part of the AA International in Miami in 1970.

A male Al-Anon Chair shares and then six couples share - Al-Anon wives and their AA husbands.

Each couple takes two steps with each member sharing separately.

(#2626) AFG-Twelve Steps Come Alive - Steps 1 - 6 (KY,QB,IN,CT,NY,AZ,CA)
7/4/1970 in Miami, FL  EVENT: AA International 1970  TYPE: AA and Al-Anon, Both, Workshop, Steps

AAI70-AFG-Twelve Steps Come Alive

Intro and Steps 1 thru 6

Chair: Paul L (AFG) of Ky

Cay C (AFG) from QB- Step 1
John C from QB - Step 2
Ruth O (AFG) of IN - Step 3
Bill O of IN - Step 4
Dorothy M (AFG) of CT - Step 5
Roger M of CT - Step 6

(1 hr 2 min) (10.8 MB) (id#2626)






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