A Chair and twelve active service members share on a wide range of topics related to Sponsorship and.:
Chair: Eugene K-New York, NY-GSB Trustee-Sober 23 years since 1942.
Sponsorship and Newcomers: Bill R-East Norwalk, CT on Editorial Board of the Grapevine
Sponsorship and Middle Timers: Clarence R-Atlanta, GA Past Area 16 Delegate-Skyland Group (Substitute)
Sponsorship and Oldtimers: Ed D-Boston, MA-25 Years Sober
Sponsorship and Literature: George M-Lakewood,OH-Delegate on Conference Literature Committee
Sponsorship And Professional And Alcoholism Agencies: Ed McM-Elmira, NY-Director NCAA Office in Elmira, NY
(52 min) (9 MB) (id#2331)