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(#2318) Open Meeting Morning-1965-Toronto ON (FL,AK,MI,NY)
7/3/1965 in Toronto, ON  EVENT: AA International 1985  TYPE: AA, Both, Story

AAI65-Open Meeting Morning


A non-alcoholic trustee chairs the meeting and four pioneers of AA share their experience, strength and hope:

Chair: Neal

Clarence S from St. Petersburg, FL - Sober 27 years since 2/11/1938 - Author 1st Edition - "The Brewmeister" - first member of AA in Cleveland, OH.
Tells a classic 12th story about Catherine and their two trips to jail together.

Claude M from Juno, AK - Sober 8 years - Got sober in California and moved with his wife back to Alaska where he was the lone sober member in the town and where he now holds public office.

Edith M from Detroit, MI - Sober 12 years since 1953 - Past Delegate - Entered and left the Canadian Army as a private - entertained the troups, powerful and funny.

Joe M of New York, NY - sober 15 years since Feb 1940 - Author of "Joe's Woes" 2nd Edition,

(1 hr 53 min) (19.5 MB) (id#2318)






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