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(#2737) Aviation Professionals - Birds of a Feather (NV,ON,AZ)
7/3/2015 in Atlanta, GA  EVENT: AA International 2015  TYPE: AA, Both, Story

AAI15-Aviation Professionals - Birds of a Feather

Three members with 78 years combined sobriety share their experience of flying free from alcohol.

Chair: Scott H - AZ

Marty B - NV Sober 25 years since June 1990

Nachelle W - ON Sober 10 years since 10/4/2004 - fascinating lady.

Tom D - AZ Sober 43 years since Jan 1972 in Boston, 65 years old

Held at the Georgia World Congress Center Rm A315-316 starting at 11 am

(1 hr 19 min) (18.1 MB) (id#2737)






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