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(#1579) Archives: A Collective Vision I (AL,MI,NJ)
7/3/2015 in Atlanta, GA  EVENT: AA International 2015  TYPE: AA, Both, Workshop, Historical

AAI15-Archives: A Collective Vision I

A Chair and three archives-passionate members with 67 years combined sobriety sharing on the topic:

Chair: Gail L of Florida

Michael B- of Alabama - Sober 15 years since 5/10/2000

Theron B of Portland, OR - Sober 23 years since 9/7/1992

Lester G of Hew Jersey - Sober 29 years since 11/29/1985

Held starting at 11 am in room A101-103 of the World Congress Center

Listen to Archives: A Collective Vision II at the same event:

Archives: A Collective Vision II - 2015 - Atlanta, GA

Listen to the same topic from other AA International Conventions:

Archives: A Collective Vision I - 2005 - Toronto, ON

Archives: A Collective Vision I - 2010 - San Antonio, TX

(1 hr 6 min) (15.3 MB) (id#1579)






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