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(#546) Turning it Over (KS, CA, WI, SC)
7/2/2010 in San Antonio, TX  EVENT: AA International 2010  TYPE: AA, Both, Story

AAI10-Turning it Over

A Chair and three members share on the topic:

Joe C. of Kansas as Chairperson

Annie C. of California - 1st speaker

John F. of Wisconsin - 2nd speaker

Marty E. of South Carolina - 3rd speaker

Held in Lone Star D-F starting at 1:00 pm for approximately 20 minutes each.

Listen to the same topic from other AA International Conventions:

Turning it Over - 2005 - Toronto, ON

Turning it Over - 2015 - Atlanta, GA

(1 hr 9 min) (7.9 MB) (id#546)






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