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(#1543) A.A. - A Society of Alcoholics in Action (SD,CA,NY)
July 2005 in Toronto, ON  EVENT: AA International 2005  TYPE: AA, Both, Story, Traditions

AAI05-A.A.- A Society of Alcoholics in Action

A Chairperson and three members sharing on the topic.

NOTE: The topic title comes from page "S1" of the Service Manual.

Chair: Julian

Wayne K of South Dakota - Sober 18 years since 11/16/1986 - got sober in Montana

Bruce K of San Francisco, CA - "Wherever you go carry the message and if necessary - use words." (St. Francis)

Tracy - New York - Sober 14 years since 9/3/1990. Her husband got sober 7 years before she did. She came in through Al-Anon. They were celebrating their 16th wedding anniversary on the day of this talk. She defined Society as "A group of people that have a common way of life." Tracy got sober in NH but recently moved to Mecklenburg, NY

Listen to the same topic from other AA International Conventions:

A Society of Alcoholics in Action - 2010 - San Antonio, TX

A Society of Alcoholics in Action - 2015 - Atlanta, GA

(1 hr 1 min) (7.1 MB) (id#1543)






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