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(#1419) Live and Let Live (MI,AZ,IL)
7/2/2005 in Toronto, ON  EVENT: AA International  TYPE: AA, Both, Story

AAI05-Live and Let Live

A Chair and three members with over 86 years combined sobriety sharing on the topic:

Chair: Joyce P of Columbus OH

Leonard D of Michigan - sober over 45 years. Lives with black belt Al-Anon he fell in love with when he was 13, unapologetic Big Book Thumper,
Writer by profession who likes to talk about sandboxes. Sober since he was 26, Leonard was at the 1965 International with his wife.

Connie U from Arizona - sober 30 years since 6/30/1975. From Sonona AZ, she got sober in Baltimore, MD

Eric P of Illinois - sober 11 years. He calls himself "A real Wet Back" he immigrated at age 20 across the Rio Grande from Guatemala in 1976
and he celebrated that until he was 38 years old. This is his second International.

Listen to the same topic from other AA International Conventions:

Live and Let Live - 2010 - San Antonio, TX

Live and Let Live - 2015 - Atlanta, GA

(1 hr 10 min) (8.1 MB) (id#1419)






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