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(#2216) Easy Does It - But Do It (MD,NJ,ON)
7/1/2005 in Toronto, ON  EVENT: AA International 2005  TYPE: AA, Both, Story

AAI05-Easy Does It - Bit Do It

A Chair and four members share on the topic:

Chair: Carol B from Concert, AB

Dwayne B-MD 29 years - Hyattsville, MD Sober since Feb 1976

Janet W from Irvington, NJ - sober 32 years since 7/23/1972

Larry C from Stratford, ON - sober 12 years since 4/16/1993

Cynthia from Sydney Austrailia - 8 years (from the floor)

Listen to the same topic from other AA International Conventions:

Easy Does It - But Do It - 2010 - San Antonio, TX

Easy Does It - But Do It - 2015 - Atlanta, GA

(1 hr 6 min) (11.5 MB) (id#2216)






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