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(#1019) Doctors in A.A. (VA,UK,KY)
July 2005 in Toronto, ON  EVENT: AA International 2005  TYPE: AA, Both, Story

Doctors in AA

Three alcoholic doctors sharing their experience strength and hope.

Chair: Gordon-28 years-Executive director of IDAA

Mel of Virginia (female) sober 18 years since 12/1/1986

Allistair of the United Kingdom

Burns B of Kentucky sober 27 Years since12/1/1977- 69 years old

Held starting at 9:30am in room A410 of the World Congress Center

Listen to the same topic from other AA International Conventions:

Doctors in A.A. - 2010 - San Antonio, TX

Doctors in A.A. - 2015 - Atlanta, GA

(1 hr 12 min) (8.3 MB) (id#1019)






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