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(#1043) The African American or Black Experience in A.A. (OH,NY,HI)
July 2005 in Toronto, ON  EVENT: AA International 2005  TYPE: AA, Both, Story

2005 - The African American or Black Experience in A.A.

Three speakers on the topic:

Chair: John J. of New York

Hazel S. of Ohio

Gene H. of New York

Norma Jean C. of Waikiki, HI - One of the characters in AA. Lively. She was not the sceduled speaker but volunteered when the scheduled speaker did not show. She also is at the microphone several times in San Antonio in 2010. Bought a motor home to travel the USA touring AA meetings and speaking whenever and wherever she could.

Followed by general sharing from the floor.

Listen to the same topic from other AA International Conventions:

The African American or Black Experience in A.A. - 2010 - San Antonio, TX

The African American or Black Experience in A.A. - 2015 - Atlanta, GA

(1 hr 14 min) (8.6 MB) (id#1043)






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