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(#135) Bo T (West Blockton, AL)
3/21/2009 in Marietta, GA  EVENT: 19th Marietta Roundup  TYPE: Al-Anon, Male, Story

Wonderful talk. Started the Al-Anon journey 27 years earlier on 9/4/1982. First exposed to Al-Anon months earlier when he was directed to the Alanon meeting when he and his wife Shirley (sober since 7/29/1982) went to a closed AA meeting.

There were 23 women and one man in the Al-Anon meeting. He said to the man "I am glad your here" but the man said he was moving in the morning to Florida. He was raised in Al-Anon by old timers and was taught the history of our fellowships.

The first meetings were family meetings because this is a family disease. Had to learn how to accept and give hugs. Learned unconditional love when he learned of God's unconditional love.

(1 hr 17 min) (17.7 MB) (id#135)






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