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(#279) Sue G (Whitehouse, TN)
4/7/2001 in Bessemer, AL  EVENT: 52nd Anniversary  TYPE: AA, Female, Story

Sober 28 years since 2/4/1973, Sue would love to just talk about sobriety but she owes it to the newcomer to qualify.

She has been on a journey that is wonderful, indescribable and, oh so, attainable but you have to live it to know it. So she attempts to show what she had to do to get here. You have to do something to get the promises.

She had her first drink and her first baby in 1946. Her dad was an alcoholic, died from the disease and she swore she would never drink. In 1946 her morals were right where they should be.

Her husband was a sailor. What they say about sailors is true. She drank to be with him. From the first drink she drank alcoholically. She was not an alcoholic because she was unloved or unhappy but because when she took one drink she could not stop.

(49 min) (11.3 MB) (id#279)





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