Sober 24 years. Funny guy and strong speaker who was born in Danville, OH to a great family. His parents were married 50 years.
Frank loved sports. He was a liar, a cheat and a thief. None of those made him an alcoholic.He wanted to be macho but inside he felt like a whoose.
He drank sloe gin and 7 at a dance and he knew he fit in. He now realizes he drank and did all the other stuff in order to fit in.
He quit high school and joined the Marine Corps. All his bad behavior was someone else's fault. He had to learn in AA that he was responsible for his actions and nobody else.
Spent a year in the brig for assault. Returned to the states and got married in Jacksonville, FL. He had to learn how to be a husband and father in AA.
Went to Vietnam, got wounded and came back. Accidentally shot himself while trying to shoot his wife. She divorced him. Became a drillinstructorthen back in Vietnam in 1970. Came back and became a police officer.
Got married again. Had an affair with his police partner who later got jealous and shot him in the head.
Retired from the force and got a real estate license and made lots of money. The money and stuff didn't do it. He lost it all and wound up on the streets.
He went from a detox to AA for the first time. He hated AA but kept coming back. They told him do 90 and 90 and if you want to drink come to AA.
He moved to California and spent 10 months without alcohol and no meetings. He experienced road rage and grocery line insanity. He did not want a drink; he wanted to hurt someone.
At 13 months he attacked a man for asking him how he was doing. He was told he had a living problem that he could resolve in the rooms of AA. That has saved his life.
(58 min) (19.9 MB) (id#264)